Current Position: Home >> Auto 6+3 Laser Sandblasting Equipment
Core Function
  • Laser Cleaning
    1. Can clean Stereoscopic workpiece form any angle
    2. Within autofocus range, don’t need adjust focal length to clean
    3. Can perform repeat cleaning on specific area with multiple processes
  • Laser Marking
    1. Can mark Stereoscopic workpiece form any angle
    2. Within autofocus range, don’t need adjust focal length to mark
    3. Support marking and engraving of characters, pattens and QR codes
  • Teaching Demonstration

    Don’t need 3D model、can perform automatic process

    Move laser head and edit the machining path through Teaching Deconstration. Control teaching pendant or touch screen to simulate machining path. After editting the path, can directly perform automated process

    1. Touch Screen
    2. Teaching pendant
  • 6 Motion Axes

    Can move laser head to workpiece any position and angle

    Coperate with Teaching Demonstration, control X、Y、Z axes, glavo front-back rotate, glavo left-right rotate, rotate disc for workpiece.

    1. XYZ axes move
    2. Front-back rotate
    3. Left-right rotate
    4. Workpiece rotate disc
  • 3D Laser Head Autofocus

    Within autofocus range:
    Can maintain laser focus always on workpieces
    (Don't need to adjust focus)

    Beyond autofocus range:
    Move laser head to make the part which exceeds the autofocus range back to the range

  • Laser Spot Control

    Enlarge laser spot, have higher efficiency for rust, oil clean

Process Mode
  • Static Process

    Laser Head & Workpiece fixed to clean/mark

    1. Static Cleaning
      Specific area cleans Control laser head and motion axes to move to any position and angle
      Repetitive clean Set different parameter for each clean and do repetitive clean on specific area
      Multilevel height clean 3D laser head,can set clean layer for each height directly clean without moving laser head
    2. Static Marking
      Specific area marking Control laser head and motion axes to move to any position and angle
      Engraving Using 3D laser head focal length, can engrave without moving laser head
      Multilevel height clean 3D laser head,can set clean layer for each height directly mark without moving laser head
  • Dynamic Process

    Laser head/workpiece move while cleaning

    1. Normal clean

      Can control laser and motion axes around workpiece to clean

    2. Repetitive clean

      Can set parameter for each clean to perform repetitive clean

    3. Automated component clean

      Can copy machining path and move to specific area for same path clean

    4. Autofocus clean

      Within autofocus range, can always keep laser focus on the surface of workpiece

  • Uneven Surface Clean

    Detect workpiece’s height through Autofocus. Automatically change focus to clean

  • Stereoscopic Workpiece Clean


    Move laser head and motion axes to clean around stereoscopic workpieces

  • Non-standard Workpiece Clean


    Edit machining path by teaching demonstaration and perform automated clean

  • Through-Hole Clean


    Move laser head and motion axes to project laser into the hole to clean automatically

  • Mark on Any position


    Can move laser head and mark at any angle and position

  • Roughten


    Can perform repetitive process to roughen the surface

  • Wobble Line Cutting

    By wobble line cutting,can cut faster, have higher accuracy and more even edge

  • Rust

    With autofocus, can keep laser focus on workpiece, easy to remove rust

  • Oil Removal


    Defocus clean,enlarge spot to remove oil

  • Paint Removal


    Enlarge laser spot, clean more effecient

  • Dirt

    Don’t hurt substrate

  • Multilevel Height Marking

    Within focal length range, can mark on multilevel, don’t need to move laser head

  • QR Code Marking

    Support all kind of codes

  • Deep-Caving

    3D laser head,don’t need to move while deep-caving

  • Relief

    3D laser head, don’t need to move while reliefing

Platform Ver.LSB-AN3D-200/300-40-55-40-RO-140DGround Ver.LSB-AN3D-200/300-100-80-80-140L
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